Thought for designers (& business owners)

Attention entrepreneurs/business owners: what business are you in? Attended a great business seminar today and was asked that question by one of the speakers. If you answered, “I’m in _____ business”, chances are that you are not as successful as you should be. The speaker challenged us to think that we were all in the “people business”. We need people (clients/customers) to survive and excel in our business. How we treat (service) those clients determines our success and growth as a business. Basic maybe, but true. What say you?

Marathon..and on…and on.

Training continues for the Seattle RNR Marathon. Did 14 miles last Saturday and came to the realization that this is eating up a lot of life. Eat, run, sleep. Occasionally get some work in. How you runners do it? Going to try tweaking the diet a bit to gain some energy for the long runs. Now back to Top Gear, a proper show about driving (mostly) proper cars – not running 26.2 bloody miles.